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Humility- Being humble allows us to stay grounded and leading


Unselfishness- Doing away with “Me First”, never can do it alone


Accountability- Take responsibility for all our decisions and actions


Trustworthy- “Few things can help an individual more than to place responsibility on him” – Booker T Washington; Understand right from wrong


Competitiveness- Overwhelming desire to be the best in all endeavors


Passion- Have energy, an internal motor to be great


Hard Work- Have a blue-collar mentality, work the hardest



Boys in Grades 3-8 must be Grafton School District residents OR attend a Grafton Public or Private School with the intention of attending Grafton High School to be eligible to tryout for a grade-specific team.


The Traveling Team exposes and offers kids a higher level of competition while developing fundamental basketball skills. Player development is stressed while discipline and team-oriented play are emphasized. Players are introduced to a more competitive schedule through organized games with the Wisconsin Youth Basketball League as well as the opportunity to enter grade level weekend tournaments.


Practice time and advanced training are provided to enhance the skills of each player with the goal and vision of having players ready to play for Grafton High School. 


PLEASE NOTE: This a "feeder" program for the


    Understand that this program is in place to develop the kids that have the intention of wearing a



Grafton Hoops is located Grafton, Wisconsin.

For more information about Grafton Basketball, our programs and/or opportunities, as well as other inquiries,

please reach out to the contact listed below.

Director of Boys Youth Basketball

Andy Kivioja



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